Monday, December 25, 2017


Today was super chill. Lots of sleeping. A few cool presents! Mexican food and quiet family time. I'm not in the best mood today, let's hope tomorrow is better!

My dream last night was a workout for my brain. I had to figure out how to escape from bad people chasing me and others all over different places and some of the people were really young so it was a challenge to keep them safe. Definately a thinking dream.

Sunday, December 24, 2017


im really pissed- i typed out a long post then accidentally deleted it. fml. good night, i may try to type it out again tomorrow.


today went very well, saw casual relationship guy and met his friend. sadly the casual dude didnt pick up on my hints that i wanted sex. apparently beginning to take off my clothes and rubbing his dick and putting my butt in his face wasnt clear enough... finally i announced i was on his bed that  got  the idea, but by then it was too late. got some sad news fom my cousin that is hopefully going to improve. over all good day, and i didnt take a nap! :D

Saturday, December 23, 2017

12-23-17 AM

Another freaking dream about the rapist ex,  2 car accidents involving a car that was totaled a while ago that I loved.

Plans for today: meet up with my casual date and meet his friend. Probable sex. Other than that, a chill day (my favorite).

I don't know why water proof mascara doesn't come off too well until at night when I'm sleeping... racoon eyes

"Night" post

Friday, December 22, 2017:

Today was actually a good day! Laying in bed, I can't hardly remember what happened... which is usually good because that means it was productive. I had lunch with a family friend as well as my sister and mother. I slept from 2:30-4 pm and was held down by a cat on my chest for about an hour. I moved too much so he finally got up and I got up and shortly after my family went to look at Christmas lights. It was a nice experience.  And then I have been chilling in bed ever since.

Scandalous news of the day: "I am not a hoe" is my mantra, but it's hard to stick with at times. I'm "casually dating" one guy and am having problems with how I speak to other guys. I am struggling with being "loyal" to one person, which I think comes from me treating the ex rapist like garbage, as if we weren't dating. I'm used to blowing off relationships and am not into a serious relationship ability in my point of life.

Life fact: I became single on May 18, 2015 from a rapist who i dated for a total of about 5.5 years. I didn't treat him right, because he didnt treat me right. 

Friday, December 22, 2017

Morning Post

So I slept great last night until as usual, my WONDERFUL dad comes in to say good morning before he leaves for work. (Yes, I'm 21 and live at home and love my dad, he is awsome). From 8:30 until 9:30 I had a dream, and not a very good one at that. Simply put, my ex-boyfriend AKA rapist was hanging around an art type place that I happened to be at. The first time I saw him I hurried by and he didn't bother me. However, strangely enough another time I walked by the exact same place, he HADN'T moved!! Weird... I hurried by again. Then he FOLLOWED me back to my family, trying to talk to me. I didn't want him near me, and he knows it. I dump my drink on him and seriously consider getting physically violent. But instead I take my family and run away. That was the most exciting part of my dream.

I'll post again later.

Thursday, December 21, 2017

2017- beginning my blog anew

Some Changes In My Life:

Overview- I will be going over some details as I go through life.

- I am now single!
- Recently adjusted meds...
- actually minimal family drama :) thank you LORD!!!

Over the days I will go through what I have gone through and how it still effects me, as well as my daily activities.

Friday, December 12, 2014

super sad

I might be taking a short break from this blog because my hub's grandmother just died yesterday/last night.  :/ she was the woman who raised him! He is pretty sad so i need to be there for him right now!  Pray for me (or wish me luck if you are one of those people)! Thanks guys :)

On a different note.... my mom kept bugging me and touching my undies (i just washed them and they needed to finish drying so i lay them out because our dryer is not the best right now.) And i kept asking her not to then finally i started yelling and getting angry and things. I threatened to not wear underwear period if she did it again.  I take my under garments very seriously! Long story short,  we compromised and all is well again.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

overview: lil boring, sorry i wanna do an interesting long one later :)

First thing that comes to mind is church group tonight. A made a somewhat new friend who is very sweet with family problems so I'm going be praying for her :/
Next is my hubby's family! They are very special- they are very perverted! I thought it was funny but they posted on Facebook a pic of a Yoda tree topper and gave it a glowing "light saber" it was glow  stick mysteriously placed in a strange position :p they said "the force us strong with this one" and "you will take my tree not" the glow stick was really big- so long that is was bending against the ceiling! Lol i thought it was funny but apparently other people thought differently. ...
Next: a fear of mine is slipping in the shower- i think i was testing that when i did IT half in and half out of the shower :P it does feel good to be clean though :)
Lastly: yesterday one of my fish nibbled on me! I was fixing the new tank and did not feed them yet....i guess he did not want to wait!

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

quick one: and note to hubby

Cool beans! Made an a on a makeup exam! Of course it helps that I had the last test (that i failed) answers and it was basically the exact same :)

Also to my hubby :) who might be looking  at this soon: I cannot really tell strangers my opinions without putting myself in harm's way. So i can do it here and feel better that someone in the public sphere can see how i feel. I know I tell you everything but sometimes I want the public to know also! I love you! Don't be mad please  < 3

Monday, December 8, 2014

today's stats...

 Yay! go 69! Whoops..  i mean android :) ;D

random thoughts for today...

Acrylic nails. Strange about why women want a form of plastic-glass on their nails.  I know that people have always told me that i have "cute" hands and feet. I get them looked at by Mom's friend. She says my toes point up, causing the tips of my big toes to go numb when i stand too much at work. Ok. .   I go get my nails done for the first time when i am 18 (my birthday was also consequently on prom) and i have really weak,  thin finger nails. I've wanted to try acrylic so i did and they said i have terrible nails! Paper thin and they point up- like my toes! That is why they always bent backwards (OUCH!) and flaked off. I actually have acrylic nails so that i have the normal function of nails. Now (it's really gross but...) i can pop pimples a whole lot easier!  I love popping zits and pimples and black and white heads! Well at least other people's. Mine are super boring: just juice.  However my hubby's... they have some serious personality! I won't even go into those details for now... anyway, even the acrylic that is basically embedded  into your natural nail can just pop off if I'm not careful! Urgh.... i reached into my closet fora shirt on a hanger. My nail accidently stabbed straight into the hanger and it just popped of! It hurt and that was when i decided that I was going to get my nails done today: more than half of them came off. When i say the acrylic came off i literally mean ONLY the acrylic! My natural nail will be still fully intact- the acrylic just jumps off! Unlike my mom and must urgent people who when they "break" an acrylic nail, they mean their natural nail and acrylic broke. When i break a nail, i mean my natural nail breaks/flakes off UNDER the acrylic..the acrylic is still fully intact :/ what is wrong with this?!

Enough ranting for today :) a good thing that happened is that by the help of my hubby, dad and a friend i made the best grade (and last grade) in my political science class! My only Good test grade and second A in the class (the other was a 90 on a quiz). This grade was a 92! This has been by far the worst class this college semester (teacher wise) and am so happy to actually be pulling off a B! Thank you Lord! I was so worried i was going to make a C (my first C ever)
I have the weirdest luck: the acrylic on my nails broke off of alternating fingers. You can barely see the clear sparkley polish left on them after growing out for 2 months... except my pinkies :) (all of my nails were at least as long as my pinkies and i am NOT going to part 3$ for the nail place to cut my nails so i filed them short)
 Ps do you like my ring ^^
 And my hands are a bit chubby :)
 Got em all fixed up! Now to begin growing again until like an inch...

daily expectations, because I'm crazy like that

Every day I'm going to post something like a short story, flashback, history,experience,  opinion, random thought, random fact,  "cathy-ism", rant etc. And probably several times a day :) don't be afraid to ask questions or leave comments! I love interacting with people :)

Don't usually people just start posting? Lol I'm such a noob :P

Sunday, December 7, 2014


Ok pretty sure I got the basics down :) since I wanna go to sleep.... I guess I'll explain the hidden meaning behind this blog's name. My mom is a perv. Long story short is that she calls going #2(yes, poop) invigorating. So now you know. I hope that is a good enough real first post :)

technology.... give me some time :)

This is going to be interesting... my first voluntary technological venture so forgive me for any mistakes :P (idk if in even writing this in the right place lol) I'm going to explore how to do this more this afternoon and try to post again tomorrow.  :) once i get this figured out it will hopefully become more entertaining :D